Orlando City Foundation

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The Orlando City Foundation brings soccer to under-served communities with a holistic approach to health and wellness. The Foundation provides free soccer programming, investing in safe places to play, and focuses on urban gardens and access to healthy food choices.


For communities where space is at a premium, the Foundation installs safe places to play – called mini-pitches – which are the size of a converted tennis court. At present, they have funded and installed ten mini pitches at community and recreation centers across Central Florida. They also made a charitable contribution to the two full size grass fields at the Jeff Triplett Community Center in Sanford, Seminole County.


Children need to be active every day to promote their healthy growth and development. Children who establish healthy lifestyle patterns at a young age will carry them, and their benefits, forward for the rest of their lives. The Orlando City Foundation programs teach fundamental soccer skills alongside health and wellness basics. Orlando City professional players are frequent visitors to encourage the children to maintain the healthy habits they are learning. Free programming is currently part of our Orlando City Youth Soccer Network.

KMI’s Involvement

KMI frequently participates in Orlando City Foundation fundraising and community involvement events. Drew Horn, KMI Vice President of Operations, is currently on the Orlando City Foundation’s Board of Directors.